Bhoot Police is a horror comedy film directed by Pavan Kirpalani and produced by Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri that was released in India in 2021. Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam Dhar, and Javed Jaffrey feature in the film.
Sachin–Jigar composed the film’s music, while Kumaar and Priya Saraiya wrote the lyrics.
Vishal Dadlani, Sunidhi Chauhan, Mellow D, Armaan Malik, Shreya Ghoshal, and Asees Kaur all provide vocals to the album’s tracklist.
Aayi Aayi Bhoot Police Lyrics by Vishal Dadlani, Sunidhi Chauhan, & Mellow D is the latest Hindi song (2021) from the movie 'Bhoot Police' featuring Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez. The music is composed by Sachin - Jigar…
Raat Gayi So Baat Gayi Lyrics by Vishal Dadlani & Asees Kaur is the latest Hindi song from the movie 'Bhoot Police' featuring Saif Ali Khan & Jacqueline Fernandez. The music is composed by Sachin - Jigar and the Raat…
Mujhe Pyaar Pyaar Hai Lyrics by Armaan Malik & Shreya Ghoshal is the latest Hindi song from the movie 'Bhoot Police' featuring Arjun Kapoor & Yami Gautam. The music is composed by Sachin - Jigar and the Mujhe Pyaar Pyaar…