Check out the song lyrics by the movie. Browse the movie of your choice and read the lyrics of their songs in Hindi and English. We have a large collection of Bollywood movies from the ’80s, ’90s including the latest movies. We have segregated & stacked them by alphabetical letter so that you can find the movie of your choice in no time.
Bollywood movies are incomplete without the songs. Today, Bollywood music is streamed all over the World and is known for its sounds and rhythms and this is the reason there are Bollywood movies song lovers can found in every nooks & corner of the World.
Bollywood music has a major influence on many international artists. The songs are known and loved for their use of vernacular Hindustani, including a mix of Hindi and Urdu vibes while the modern Hindi songs mostly incorporate elements of Hinglish.
Hindi cinema, often known as Bollywood, one of the largest centers of film production in the world which freely mixes different genres including action, comedy, romance, drama, and melodrama along with musical numbers. The period from the late 1940s to the early 1960s, after India’s independence, is regarded by film historians as the Golden Age of Hindi cinema. Some of the most critically acclaimed Hindi films of all time were produced during this time.
By 1970, Hindi cinema was thematically stagnant and dominated by musical romance films. The 2000s saw increased Bollywood recognition worldwide due to growing NRI and Desi communities overseas. The growth of the Indian economy and a demand for quality entertainment in this era led the country’s film industry to new heights in production values, cinematography, and screenwriting as well as technical advances in areas such as special effects and animation.
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